The Big Gay 10k strikes again!

We were lucky enough to be invited back to the Big Gay 10k– a run both tough and whimsical benefiting the San Francisco Aids Foundation— for a second time this year. Last year we just dropped off our rainbow goodies, but this time we got to stick around and watch the runners come in, eat some snacks, take pictures and actually interact with people ourselves– always nice!

I don’t know what there really is to say about this event that the pictures can’t say much more efficiently, so…







Queer Cupcakes in Space (and everywhere else too)

Last weekend we had the pleasure of donating cupcakes to two totally fabulous parties: one for our friends of the SF Dyke March, and one for a fundraiser called Queers in Space. What’s “Queers in Space” all about? Well, I’ll let the organizers/beneficiaries explain it to you:

Six queer people of color/mixed race folks go in a van to the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas.

We’re brown, we’re down, we’re Trekkies.
And we’re meeting our icon, George Takei (but he doesn’t know it yet) and videotaping our journey.

Star Trek fans are unabashed in our geekiness.

Queer people of color and mixed race folks are unabashed in our fierce fabulousness. Our home planets were colonized. So we search for a place to live, play and love at the intersections; in each other, we find home.

How rad is that? Anyway, we made them these awesome geeky Star Trek cupcakes to raffle off at the party, and by all accounts it was a raging success!


Here are the cupcakes, in all their glory.


And this is the box we put ’em in. Good pun, right? Right? Wah wah...

In a continuation on the theme of beyond-awesome queer events, this Saturday, August 13th, we’ll be waiting at the finish line of he Big Gay 10k selling cupcakes! You may remember our cupcakes for the Big Gay 10k last year, and we’re honored and stoked to participate again in 2011! Check it out!

P.S. Go watch that George Takei video linked above. Seriously.